Preliminary Program

All available presentations have been linked. Please send an email to Davide Lazzati if you see any problem with a missing presentation or broken link.

Click here to skip to detailed program with link to abstracts and presentations

Quick link to: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Posters

Monday, June 1

8:30 Welcome Address
8:45 Matteo Cantiello The physics of stellar angular momentum transport in massive stars A, pdf
9:15 Sam Jones The progenitors of electron-capture supernovae A, pdf
9:45 Jim Fuller The spin rate of pre-collapse stellar cores: wave driven angular momentum transport in massive stars A, pdf
10:00 Schuyler van Dyk Direct Identification of Core-Collapse SN Progenitors A
10:15 Poster Ads
10:20 Coffee Break
11:00 Maria Drout Probing the Extremes of Pre-SN Mass-Loss A
11:15 Hans-Thomas Janka Three-dimensional Core-Collapse Simulations by the Garching Group: The Route to Explosions A, pdf
11:45 Kei Kotake Multi-D Core-Collapse Supernova Models and the Multi- Messenger Signatures A, pdf
12:15 Rodrigo Fernandez SASI- and Convection-Dominated Explosions in 3D A, pdf
12:30 Poster Ads
12:35 Lunch: food available in the hearth
2:00 Kate Scholberg Supernova Neutrino Detection A, pdf
2:30 Irene Tamborra Recent developments on hydrodynamical instabilities and neutrinos in 3D A, pdf
3:00 Charles Horowitz Simulating the supernova neutrinosphere with heavy ion collisions A, pdf
3:15 Marek Szczepanczyk Core-Collapse Supernova Science with Advanced LIGO and Virgo A, pdf
3:30 Poster Ads
3:35 Break
4:15 Stephan Geier Hot subdwarf stars and their connection to thermonuclear supernovae A
4:45 Tuguldur Sukhbold Unraveling the non-monotonicity of pre-supernova evolution and its implications A, pdf
5:00 Ilka Petermann Evolution of massive single and binary stars - their fate and remnants A, pdf
5:15 Yudai Suwa Progenitors, Supernovae, and Neutron Stars A, pdf
5:30 Katsutoshi Takaki Remarkable Photometric and Spectroscopic Features in Recent Type Ib Supernovae A, pdf
5:45 Ryosuke Hirai Ejecta-Companion Interaction in iPTF 13bvn A, pdf
6:00 Leah Huk Modeling Spectropolarimetric Interaction Between Type IIn SNe and Distributed Emission Sources A
6:15 Reception in the hearth with poster viewing

Tuesday, June 2

8:45 Raffaella Margutti Fully successful, failed or barely failed: the fate of jets trying to break through their stellar progenitors A, pdf
9:15 Robert Quimby Superluminous Supernovae A, pdf
9:45 Alexandra Kozyreva Can we really see pair-instability supernovae? A, pdf
10:00 Emmanouil Chatzopoulos Powering Superluminous Supernovae: Simulations and model comparisons A, pdf
10:15 Poster Ads
10:20 Coffee Break
11:00 Anna Frebel Hunting the first generations of stars and galaxies A, pdf
11:30 Evan Kirby Old Stars as Chemical Tracer Particles A, pdf
12:00 Jeremy Ritter Hydrodynamical Biases in Chemical Enrichment by Supernovae A
12:15 Brian Fry Supernova Shrapnel: Interpreting the Pieces of a Nearby Star A
12:30 Poster Ads
12:35 Lunch: food available in the hearth
2:00 Laura Lopez Dissecting Supernova Remnants to Probe Progenitors and Explosion Mechanisms A, pdf
2:30 Jeno Sokoloski Novae as Mini-Supernovae: Particle Acceleration and Gamma-Ray Production in Nova Shocks A
3:00 Chiara Biscaro Dust formation and processing in the clumpy supernova remnant Cassiopeia A A, pdf
3:15 Jeonghee Rho Cold Dust and Ejecta in Young Supernova Remnants with Herschel A, pdf
3:30 Poster Ads
3:35 Break
4:15 Isabelle Cherchneff
Davide Lazzati
Are supernovae net dust factories or destroyers?
6:00 Reception in the hearth with poster viewing

Wednesday, June 3

8:45 Ivo Seitenzahl Modelling thermonuclear supernovae from di erent progenitor systems - explosion simulations, nucleosynthesis, observables A, pdf
9:15 Michael Zingale Modeling the Early Phases of Type Ia Supernovae A, pdf
9:45 Rosanne Di Stefano All in the Family: Discovering the Natures of Type Ia Progenitors by Identifying Close Cousins A
10:00 Kuo-Chuan Pan Multi-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations with the IDSA for Neutrino Transport A, pdf
10:15 Coffee Break
11:00 Evan O'Connor Multidimensional Core-Collapse Simulations in FLASH A, pdf
11:30 William Raph Hix Multidimensional Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae and the Implications for Nucleosynthesis A, pdf
12:00 Bernhard Mueller Multidimensional Instabilities in Core Collapse Supernovae Revisited A, pdf
12:15 Grant Williams Probing the Three Dimensional Nature of Supernovae; Results from the Supernova Spectropolarimetry Project (SNSPOL) A, pdf
12:30 CoSMS presentation
12:35 Lunch: food available in the hearth
2:00 Brian Morsony The Supernova-GRB Connection A, pdf
2:30 Rodolfo Barniol Duran Radio rebrightening of the GRB afterglow by the accompanying supernova A
2:45 Christopher Irwin GRB 060218: Towards a Unied Model for the Weakest Engine-Driven Explosions A, pdf
3:00 Dan Kasen TBA A
3:30 Jochen Greiner A very luminous magnetar-powered supernova associated with an ultra-long Gamma-Ray Burst A
3:45 Break
4:30 Peter Brown The Ultraviolet Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae A
4:45 Andrew Quick Ultraviolet Properties of Type II-P Supernovae A, pdf
5:00 Glenn Allen Vela Jr.: Then and There A, pdf
5:15 Brian Williams SNR G284.3-1.8 and the High-Mass Gamma-Ray Binary 1FGL J1018.6-5856 A, pdf
5:30 Tea Temim Evolution of the Composite Supernova Remnant G327.1-1.1 A, pdf
5:45 Katie Auchettl The multiwavelength analysis of SNR MSH 11-61A A, pdf
7:00 Conference Dinner at Talley Student Center

Thursday, June 4

8:45 Carles Badenes The Supernova Remnant View of Type Ia SN Progenitors A, pdf
9:15 Kate Maguire Constraining Type Ia supernova progenitors and diversity using spectroscopic observations A, pdf
9:45 Ken Shen Do double degenerate double detonations drive destructive dwarf death? A, pdf
10:00 Wolfgang Kerzendorf Companions of Supernovae A, pdf
10:15 Coffee Break
11:00 Shinya Wanajo Nucleosynthesis with multi-dimensional supernova models A, pdf
11:30 Austin Harris Predicting nucleosynthesis observables in CCSNe with self-consistent simulations A, pdf
Brian Grefenstette X-ray and gamma-ray observations of supernova explosions and remnants A, pdf
12:15 Jeremiah Murphy Conditions for Explosion A, pdf
12:45 Lunch: food available in the hearth
2:15 Jeffrey Silverman Observations of Type Ia Supernovae Strongly Interacting with Their Circumstellar Medium A, pdf
2:45 Laura B Chomiuk Novae with Giant Companions: Circumstellar Interaction in our Galactic Backyard A
3:00 Michael T Smitka Ultraviolet-Optical Spectra and Photometry of the 1999aa-like Supernova iPTF14bdn A, pdf
3:15 Broxton J Miles Dependence of Light-curves and Spectra on Metallicity in Type Ia Supernova Models A, pdf
3:30 Break
4:15 Jim Fuller
Kei Kotake
Tassos Fragkos
Matteo Cantiello
Panel Discussion: Rotation in massive stars
7:30 Science Cafe' Anna Frebel at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences Link

Friday, June 5

8:45 Christopher Kochanek Discovery of a Failed Supernova Candidate with the Large Binocular Telescope A
9:15 Brad Tucker KEGS - The Kepler Extra-Galactic Survey A, pdf
9:30 Armin Rest An Astronomical Time Machine: Light Echoes from Historic Supernovae and Stellar Eruptions A, pdf
10:00 Melissa Graham Kiloday Spectroscopy of Type Ia Supernovae A, pdf
10:15 Coffee Break
11:00 Jeremy Holt Microscopic equation of state and neutrino response from chiral effective field theory A, pdf
11:30 Brian Metzger Electromagnetic Signatures of Neutron Star Mergers A, pdf
12:00 Tassos Fragkos Understanding supernova kicks and black-hole spins in Galactic X-ray binaries A pdf
12:15 Remi Kazeroni Are pulsars spun up or down by the spiral modes of SASI A, pdf
12:30 Somebody with wisdom Closing remarks: Where we answer the question of whether we're crazy enough to ever do this again


Scott Adams Are SN 2008S-like Events Supernovae? pdf
B. Barna Detectionof C III intheType Ia SN 2010kg pdf
Avishai Gilkis Angular Momentum Fluctuations in Helium Shell of a CCSN Progenitor pdf
Matthew Goodson Comparing sub-grid turbulence models pdf
Or Graur Late-time photometry of type Ia supernova SN2012cg reveals the radioactive decay of 57Co jpg
Or Graur Correlations between supernova rates and galaxy properties: an explanation for type Ia and type II supernovae jpg
Adam Jacobs Bulk Properties and Ignition in Simple Models of Double Detonation Type Ia Progenitors pdf
Kuo-Chuan Pan Search for Surviving Companions in Type Ia Supernova Remnants pdf
Donald Willcox A Comparison of Type Ia Supernovae with C-O and Hybrid C-O-Ne White Dwarf Progenitors pdf
Manos Zapartas What is the impact of binarity on the core collapse supernovae? pdf