Follow the link below to register:


The registration fee is $250.00, reduced to $200.00 for graduate and undergraduate students.

The registration fee includes daily coffee breaks, Monday through Thursday lunches, and the conference banquet.

Fees can be paid by credit card, upon registration or at a later time. Remember that participation is limited by the number of seats in the conference room and your registration will guarantee your participation only after you have paid the fees.

If you have already registered and you need to pay fees:

Pay Fees

Please fill the payment form with the following information and hit [Continue]:

   Company Name: Your institution
   Contact Name: Your Last and First Name
   Payment Purpose: Registration for FOE2015 conference
   Invoice Number: (Leave blank)
   NCSU Contact Name: (Leave Blank)
   NCSU Department: Physics
   Project Number: 993019
   Account Information: 40399
   Payment Amount: your registration fee