To-Do List

  • code update: to-do list (12/18)
  • get ratio figures online (12/18)
  • add description to ratio figs (12/18)
  • notable progress on 'Results' (12/19)
  • finish ModYY description (12/20)

08/09 - 08/13

Origin of Polar Outflow

Progenitor outflow was split into 6 sections, which have been color-coded using the key on the right. Each section covers an angle of $\pi/12$ or $15^\circ$ above and below the orbital plane.

So anything colored orange was emitted within $\pm\ 15^\circ$ of the orbital plane and anything colored red was emitted within $\pm\ 15^\circ$ of the poles.

Figures shown below are isosurfaces containing $\ge 30\%$ gas of that angle.

Each angle will have 3 images associated with it. Clicking on the image and hitting the left/right arrow will switch between more images of that type for a different angle (rather than the image beside it).

The first row of figures show all isosurfaces combined.

There is a clickable link that will let you view each surface in interactive 3D

Combined Images

Error (Cl1+Cl2+...+Cl6 $\equiv 1$), values are generally within $\pm\ 10\%$ with some small regions of $\pm\ 30\%$ (not shown).

Orbital Plane view. It is apparent in the combined view that material emitted from the progenitor's poles (purple, red) stays near the equatorial plane while material emitted from the orbital plane (orange, green, cyan) ends up at the poles.

Polar Axis view. Outflow along the axis itself is predomantly from the inner-most region of the progenitor (orange), layering outward (green, then cyan, then blue).

Cl1 : $0^\circ - 15^\circ$ off orbital plane : Interactive Figure

The split in this is quite sharp. Gas will either flow out the L2 pathway in a normal spiral, or it will flow out the L1 pathway, interact with the companion, and be forced to flow along the polar axis.

Cl2 : $15^\circ - 30^\circ$ off orbital plane : Interactive Figure

The split in this one occurs slightly after passing the companion.

Cl3 : $30^\circ - 45^\circ$ off orbital plane : Interactive Figure

Note: Viewing angle has changed since the flow is difficult to see from the old angle.

Cl4 : $45^\circ - 60^\circ$ off orbital plane : Interactive Figure

Cl5 : $60^\circ - 75^\circ$ off orbital plane : Interactive Figure

Cl6 : $75^\circ - 90^\circ$ off orbital plane : Interactive Figure