Visualizations and Presentations

Some visualizations made using Ensight for Dr. Blondin and colleagues

This image is a visualization Andrew Igdal and I did for a friend of Dr. Blondin from University of Virgina. This a reprsentation of one of the Draco binary systems.

This is me presenting a research poster I made at the NCSU Undergradute Research Symposium in April 2022.

This gif is a visualization Andrew Igdal and I did for Dr. Stephen Reynolds. This a representation of an evolved supernova remnant.

This gif is a visualization Andrew Igdal and I did for the NC State Libraries Vizualization contest of the black hole binary M33 X-7. We won in our category!

This image is a visualization I did of the accretion disk of out first successful 3D Vela X-1 run

Me presenting my stellar chromosphere research at my very first American Astronomical Society Meeting!

Me presenting my research with NCSU's Dr. John Blondin and NASA Goddard in honor of being presented with the NCSU Physics Department's McCormick Undergraduate Research Award.