VH-1 is a multidimensional ideal compressible hydrodynamics code written in FORTRAN, for use on any computing platform, from desktop workstations to supercomputers. It uses a Lagrangian remap version of the Piecewise Parabolic Method developed by Paul Woodward and Phil Colella in their 1984 paper. VH-1 was originally written in 1990 at the University of Virginia by Prof. John Hawley and several postdocs and students. While many individuals at UVa contibuted to the development of VH-1, the bulk of the code writing and testing was done by John Hawley, John Blondin, Greg Lindahl, and Eric Lufkin. The version described here has been maintained (updated and evolved) at NC State by Prof. John Blondin, and any questions or comments should be directed to him.
VH-1 is freely available to the computational community. You are welcome to download the code and do with it what you wish. We would appreciate (1) your acknowledging the use of the code in publications, and (2) sending a quick email to let us know who is using the code and what it is being used for. However, keep in mind that this code does not come with any guarantees, and you should not try to use this code without first understanding how it functions! To that end we have provided a stripped-down beginner's version as well as several test problems to help new users become familiar with the code.
VH-1 comes in a variety of versions, from a simple one-dimensional serial variant to a multi-dimensional version scalable to thousands of processors.