Left: A spherical surface cut through the initial conditions and colored by the gas density. Illustrates the density clumping that drives the small-scale distortion of the forward shock in some regions.
Right: An isosurface of the Iron group elements at a mass fraction of 50% in the initial conditions. Surface is colored by the kinetic energy along a radial ray through that point on the surface. Highest KE per steradian is in region with farthest radial extent of iron. Lower part of ejecta is relatively smooth and spherical in both of these images.
Later Times (24, 50, 100, 200, 400 years)
Surface of reverse shock colored by mass fraction of iron group elements. The midplane is colored by pressure to show the extent of the intershock region.
Forward shock colored by radius.
2D slice through the midplane colored by mass fraction of iron group elements (blue), intermediate mass elements (red), and oxygen (green). Black contours marke the location of the forward and reverse shocks.
Isosurfaces of 50\% mass fraction of iron group elements (orange) and intermediate mass elements (purple). The blue isosurface marks the location of the reverse shock. The midplane is colored by the pressure.
Perspectives showing data at 200 years from 3 orthogonal perspectives